4) English

The Mantle of Justice

The Mantle of Justice is coming down and is covering
the planet and all humanity.
No flaming sword will come down from heaven to do justice,
 But the fire of understanding will produce in man´s consciousness a purification and in front of his own conscience no one can escape.

So men will be put in front of their own righteousness,
their own order or disorder,
and this shows that justice is an energy that acts completely IMPERSONAL.
This is a tough test for the Ego, because here we don´t have a justifier, no argument to defend ourselves, because internally there is a balance and each one will know of their plus and minus in each dish.

Justice is a call for the restoration of balance
through the recognition and forgiveness
from their own mistakes.
This takes us to a deeper understanding and
with this also the comprehension of our neighbours.

Justice teaches us to Love,
because true Love is found in the equality of opposites,
there where harmony is reached by Peace.

Justice is implacable because of its no-implacability (Mercy)

Law: The right path is adjusted balance.

From the Pillar of Strength / Violet Flame in action