7) English

"Call to the Union"

During these times of planetary acceleration is urgently needed to be aware of what unity means.
Uni - unique
Unit - unite
United - reunited
Unity - unity accomplished

The unit begins with the sincere acceptance of scattered fragments.
How should we understand this?
We are an idea of the Father in perfect projection. Life in a body and the development of our personality is the purpose to form us as perfect Beings and return someday to the real centre, where we are One with Him and in Him. The father has given us a gift in this journey of life:


Centuries have passed in our evolution and over the millennia we have lived different aspects to our maturity, but have never left this unit, because it´s impossible since He contains and sustain us until The End of Time. It´s us who have moved away from this unit because of our own distorted thinking and for us to re-direct us back, recognizing where they have taken me, the distorted thinking and all my non-loving actions. If I´m not able to recognize my own labyrinth, thought, forms and emotions, then I can´t get to see me objectively and problems will continue.

We are "light cells" in the Body Light of Unixitron and when you understand that every cell has it´s specific task, all signs of competition will disappear. Here we are all equals, here works the Law of Equality and from respect the love for your neighbours is born. There is no other way to be born again in that unity. That´s how collaboration is born, it´s a working together job- purely intern. When the "Cells of Light" gather for the execution of a task together, then that "Cell Light" gains strength, producing a radiation increasing each time. Then there is a common goal, a "homecoming", the liberation of the soul and the discovery of Higher Living Standards.

Unity begins inside ourselves, where the "I AM" is like a an " Atomic Central" that increases its energy with every thought of light, thereby increasing your speed and draws the fragments of personality, to transform the dark atoms in light. In this way our scattered fragments are attracted to neat orbits - as it exists in the Universe. The "Unit cell" is becoming increasingly bright and attractive and when the personality bows to this action, the parts of the puzzle gather without resistance in this Centre Light. This is the true beginning of the "Global Government" inside of us, because I begin to comprehend that "I AM" the humanity, that recognizes the Father of Fathers as the only regent. So the frontiers inside of me begin to fall, there are not different nations and there is no separation, because unity is consolidating in me.

To the Glory

Pillar of Strength/Violet Flame in action/ Austria