13) English

The force of Gravity - Attraction

The Universe works by Law of Attraction and this law is repeated in the smallest things as in the biggest. Everything has a core, an "attractive center" that is " essence-light-life-eternal".

We see this in nature fallen and scattered seeds sprout at some point and when found the environment for growth, then deploy with an enormous power and force.

Not even the hardest stone can resist to the growth of a plant, whose seed has fallen into one of the grooves, isn´t it wonderful to see how much power there is in life itself? Man is also developing seed and grows mightily, when conditions are favorable for it.This doesn´t mean comfort, wealth, money, but the place allows to develop his BEING. Why is it asked a Global Government for humanity?.Because it would allow us to go to the places, where the Being feels may find the lessons left to learn.
If we give the power to the inner "Global Internal Government" through attention, the frontiers within us will fall.

But where is my attention permanently?
In surviving a chaotic world, that with its system has formed an eater mechanism?
How may I free myself from this?
Why am I in this dilemma?
Here is something about the


We all know it.It´s an energy that we cannot see, but when I release something from my hand, it falls, because gravity is magnetic.This happens with all the bodies, it doesnt matter if they´re planets, stars, systems or human bodies.Everything has a central core that is attracted to another bigger core, moving in an orbit.As well as in the Cosmos there is perfect order and nothing happens by chance in different orbits, so different orbital circuits are developed to other frequencies.

Then you could say that everything in the Universe moves and develops in a spiral form.
This law of course also in man and in this level of existence one must ask: where is the nucleus for my gravity? To which suction current do I give my so valuable energy and strength?
The magnetic force of the matter is built of the things which we daily give force because of the direction of our non-ordered thougths and this keeps us attached to a "chaotic gravity belt".As the word already says, we build a BELT of heavy forces and this belt goes round like a carrousel with its constant spinning and keeps men half fainting, unconscious and in this state can´t find the meaning of life, looses motivation to be here on Earth and with this looses his force.

If we don´t make a conscious STOP or if we are obligated to stop and think, then we are suctioned by a mass of powerful current that drowns our soul and the person doesn`t know WHERE TO GO; WHY TO LIVE AND WHO HE IS.This is called the "the programme of Death", because he dedicates life to dead things. He makes investments but does not receive profits, not even interests.

The material level is not bad, is a part of our existence and to try to make it useful and beautiful; but until where do we let ourselves to be ruled by it?

But there´s something else, if for example an electric circuit in the car is not correctly polarized then it doesn´t work, the fuses blow, there´s no energy, there´s damage.

2nd Part follows

Pillar of Strength/Violet Flame of liberating love in Action/Austria
In support of the Re-activation
Octave of Light 2.015-2.022