19) English

Part 3
"The mechanism of the Mind"

Regrettably very few people pay attention to what they say, because most of them "don´t have the time" to choose the words or discern whatever needs to be expressed. Here we get to a "thought relax" in our mind. Right here we are being asked to SEE PERFECTION BEFORE ANYTHING; it doesn´t matter how ugly it shows in the mask of events.

Now each one of you will ask: HOW MAY I SEE PERFECTION; when the world panorama shows me just the opposite?

If we really have a little understanding, we should recognize that we ALL HAVE PARTICIPATED in some time and space contributing to the IMPERFECTION.

Everything that we see are the obfuscations since thousands of centuries ago, since we were born in a certain way we´re "innocents" because we didn´t know any of this and we were guided by INCONSCIOUSNESS, turning us into another slave in the system, remaining trapped to the wheel of repetition?

That´s why always there has been Masters and Erudite that have brought Light to these obfuscations, bringing each time a ray of sun, to dissolve a little more the veils of illusion. But they have only being a few, too few for this Planet Earth. Here comes the LIBERATION PLAN; UNDER THE NAME OF: SEVENTH MOVEMENT FOR PLANETARY LIBERATION.

4th.Part Follows

Pillar of Strength /Violet Flame of liberating love in Action / Austria
In support of the Re-activation
Octave of Light 2.015 - 2.022